Paradox: Inertial motion in the heliocentric model

Motion with constant velocity is inertial motion.

If you are on a large square moving uniformly, you are on an inertial motion. Then you will not feel you are moving if the car windows are closed.

Scientists have used that to justify the rotation of the earth, but we have no sense of it. Because the earth is simply moving inertia, with no acceleration.

Earth's rotational speed around its axis is 1,670 km/h (the rotational speed at Earth's equator)

The speed of the earth moving around the sun is 107,000 km/h

Important: Scientists have missed two issues:

  1. Centrifugal force exists on everything on earth as it moves around the sun. Why can't any centrifugal force be measured?
  2. An airplane will be affected by both the gravity of the earth and the sun and moon. So, when you reach a certain height, just flying against the rotation of the earth with a speed close to zero will also reach the destination. That is, the speed of the plane will be greater than 1,670 km / h when flying against the rotation of the earth. In fact, the average speed of an aircraft is 640 - 965 km/h, regardless of the direction it flies.

The formula for calculating centrifugal force F = m.v^2/r , where F is the centrifugal force, v is the velocity, m is the mass, and r is the distance from the center of rotation to the rotating body. We are talking about uniform circular motion here.

Even using the theory of inertial motion presents paradoxes. 

Einstein's theory of relativity itself was filled with paradoxes. In fact, the theory of relativity, whose curved space is absurd, was criticized by Nikola Tesla.

“I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. -- Nikola Tesla

Other contradictions, along with the mathematical formula of centrifugal force are presented in the following Video (Paradox)

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